Crowd Funding

Published: March, 2021

Mindful Emotion Coaching and the Early Years

Blog by Lucy Howard of Mrs H's Favorite Things

Our Mindful Emotion Coaching e-learning modules are free and designed for everyone involved in any way with child care – whether as a parent, carer, teacher, care worker or health professional. The course is all about developing emotion intelligence and supporting children manage their emotions and their behaviour. During the coaching, you will learn easy and accessible psycho-education tools about the biology of stress and the science of resilience.

More than 2,500 learners have signed up to our e-learning since April 2020. This is amazing and we have had some fabulous feedback.

“Over the last few weeks I have completed quite a few courses, but none of them have been as informative as this one. I have learned so much, not just about the brain and the functions but how to adapt my own skills and how I react to situations. Realising that how I cope in negative situations affects how I judge things and possibly pass my opinions onto others can be detrimental to their development. So much learned and so much to implement for change.”

We are reliant on donations to keep the learning up to date and to pay our moderator – Maria. We particularly want to keep this e-learning free during the pandemic and while stress levels are high. Now, more than ever, it is important that this coaching is freely available to all. But this can only continue through donations..

You can visit our donation page here:

Mindful Emotion Coaching - Crowd funding

Thank you so much for your ongoing support. It really is greatly appreciated. And we look forward to welcoming you on our e-learning course soon.

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