Applying Working Together 2013

Published: May, 2014

In the wake of the 2001 enquiry into the death of an 8 year old girl, Victoria Climbie, there have been significant changes to safeguarding legislation. Principles within Professor Eileen Munro's Review of Safeguarding, the Working Together 2013 statutory guidelines and the 2014 Intercollegiate Document are informing the CQC safeguarding inspections and will inform Joint Inspectorate Inspections in 2015.

In the attached case example of a 3 year old child with developing additional needs Dr Sarah Temple has applied these principles within the everyday work of health visitors and child development teams. She demonstrates a child and their family being supported from the point at which professionals become aware of developing additional needs, during the assessment process by the Child Development Team and into the Education Health Care Assessment and Plan.

She has demonstrated how a family can be supported during  assessments and how the risk analysis through the Common Assessment Framework  and the relationships developed through the support network can then inform the 0-25 SEN team who write the Education Health Care Plan.

She has used the CAF as the risk and needs analysis tool - this could be expanded to include learning from whole system strengths based  risk analysis tools such as Signs of Safety and the second attachment gives an example of how Swindon Borough Council are doing just this with the Early Help Plan. Click here for further examples.

Dr Temple demonstrates how the Pre EHC Plan risk and needs analysis and the EHC Plan itself are used to enable partnership working with the child and family at the heart of what happens thereby improving outcomes for Rory and his family into adulthood.

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